Depending on their role and type of organization, a professional may spend up to 20% of their workday reading and answering email. Follow these simple rules to make sure that your emails are noticed and acted upon:

Ask yourself if it is really necessary to write the email. Will it be faster to just get an answer over an instant message or call? An email without a clear subject line could easily be ignored. Choose words that tell the recipient what the email is about and why it is important
Structure your email in three parts:
a) What (the context)
b) So what (what does it mean)
c) Now what (what is the action needed, by who and by when)
Less is more! Be brief and clear in your message. Use numbered paragraphs or bullet points. 
Check your tone. As a general rule, it is good to be as formal as your relationship with the recipient is. Also, avoid emotionally charged emails. Before clicking send, read through your email carefully to be sure you are giving the impression you want to give. Proofread for spellings and grammar.
Use formatting to enhance clarity. On emails sent to large groups, BOLD the responsible person’s name. If you find yourself in a back and forth email exchange, make an effort to speak to the person instead.