• Smart Content & smarter learning platforms

    Considering the constantly changing performance requirements, L&D heads need to create smart and personalized methods that benefit at an individual level. Integrated AI-powered learning platforms have seen a surge and the coming years will experience widespread adoption of these smart learning platforms. AI-led coaching is like ‘Netflix’ that has revolutionized content consumption by developing a Learning Experience Network, in an attempt to recreate similar levels of interaction and interactivity.

  • From virtual learning to Immersive Learning Experience – ILE

    As a design, AR / VR is not new. Nonetheless, the L&D application will be adopted massively in the coming years in retail, automotive, engineering, logistics, and healthcare companies opting for it. The interactive immersive learning experience (ILE), are used for training purposes because digitally integrated environments provide a diverse and inclusive way for individuals to learn and implement new competences in the real world and thereby improve performance and higher training returns.

  • More emphasis on Outcome Based Training

    We foresee an emphasis on training with a direct effect on key measures of business success. The result-oriented, objective, competency-oriented training models will be more efficient, quantitative and measurable to determine ROI. Learning eXperience Platforms (LXP) enable L&D leaders to gain real-time insights into their employees’ learning curve and make data-backed decisions to ensure the training is effective.

  • Higher focus on today’s ‘soft skills’

    You can clear an interview with hard skills, but the soft skills will get you the work! According to the Future of Jobs report, the skills of analytics and creativity, as well as constructive learning, will continue to expand prominently by 2022. Furthermore, the study shows the skills for imagination, originality and initiative, critical thought, persuasion, and negotiation will be in demand.

  • Gamification

    As we have seen that content is generated by taking mobile devices into account over the last few years, the level of interactivity has evolved to improve the quality of learning. In the near future, we will see the next stage of gamification and growing adoption. More and more learning will happen through content that is created in a gamified manner, as well as interesting simulations powered by the intelligence provided by machine learning.

  • Rise of Lifelong Learning in India

    The need to build skills in this industry is even more important with an increase in technologically complex tasks. Individuals are very adaptive when given an opportunity to upskill. In the coming years more businesses will lean on Online learning, Learning eXperience Platforms (LXP) and MOOCs to help workers develop their performance by redefining emerging digital technology in modern workplaces.